
Second Collection:
Maintenance & Improvement Fund

On the first weekend of each month,
we are dedicating the Second Collection for our Parish Maintenance & Improvement Fund. Restricted funds collected will be used for the maintenance and improvements of our facilities and deferred maintenance.

The M&I Fund can be used for repairs such as plumbing issues, roof leaks, campus lighting and improved security, just to name a few. Please keep in mind that supporting this fund should be above and beyond what you already tithe to our regular plate collection. It shouldn’t take the place of your overall support to the parish through our regular plate collection.

If you have further questions, contact Eric Hom at [email protected].

Fr. Ken’s MessageGiveM&I Fund Q&A

Old Palms Needed

Please bring last year’s palms by Sunday, March 2nd, and place them in the baskets near the church entrances. The ashes from burnt old palms will be used for Ash Wednesday.


Holy Spirit School Crab Feed

Save the date! Holy Spirit School is hosting its annual Crab Feed & Auction. There will be lots of food, fun and fellowship.

Early Bird Special through January 13.  Get your discounted tickets now. Click on the button below. For more information, please contact [email protected]


March 2, 2025 | St. Francis Plaza

Burning of the Palms

Join us immediately after the 12:30 pm Mass for the Rite for the Burning of the Palms.
Please bring palms from previous years before March 2nd and place them in the baskets near the church entrances. The ashes from burnt old palms will be used for Ash Wednesday.

March 5, 2025

Ash Wednesday

Join us for Mass as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season. Mass times are:
• 7:00, 8:15 and 11:00 am
• 12:30, 4:00, 6:00 and 8:00 pm

Stations of the Cross

Fridays During Lent

First Friday | March 7
12:00 pm – Stations
5:30 pm – Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
6:30 pm – Mass immediately followed by Stations

March 14, 21 & 28
April 4 & 11
12:00 & 6:30 pm

March 7 & 21 and April 11 | 5:00 to 7:00 pm*

Knights of Columbus Friday Fish Fry

Join us in the Parish Center for a sit down dinner and fellowship.  Adult Meal/$20 & Kid’s Meal/$10.

Meals include 8-10 oz. of fried fish, pasta, tater tots, green beans, and coleslaw.

*On First Friday, March 7th, meals will be served until 8:00 pm.

March 15-16, 2025

It’s Cookie Time!

Our Girl Scout Troops #31674 and #30056 are selling their famous cookies after all the Masses in St. Francis Plaza.

Please support our young girls’ fundraising efforts.

Save the Date | March 22, 2025

Parish Lenten Mission

Join us immediately after the 8:15 am Mass for prayer and reflection, and an opportunity to deepen your faith.

This year, our retreat moderator is Reverend Jerome Magat, S.Th.D. Fr. Magat is the Vice-Rector of St. Patrick’s Seminary & University and Director for the M.Div. Program. He has worked in seminary formation for 12 years and has served on four different seminary faculties.

More details to follow.

March 28, 2025, 8:45 am – March 29, 2025, 6:45 am

24 Hours for the Lord

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, invites all the faithful in the Diocese of Oakland to observe 24 Hours for the Lord.

Join us in the church, to pray and reflect, to spend time in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. (During this time, the Adoration Chapel will be closed.)

No Baptisms During Lent

Why aren’t baptisms performed during Lent? Here at Holy Spirit Parish, it is a long-held practice that baptisms are not performed during the Season of Lent.

Lent is our desert time, a time of prayer, fasting, and penitence. In general, baptisms are a time of festive celebration, and thus contrary to the penitential season.

Exceptions are made, such as in cases of emergency. “An infant in danger of death is to be baptized without delay” (CAN. 867).

AUGUST 17-29, 2025

Pilgrimage to France

Join Fr. Ken Sales on a faith-filled pilgrimage. Visit holy sites in Lourdes, Toulouse, Lyon, Lisieux, and Paris!

The cost of $5290 (dbl. occ. / additional $680 for single occ.) includes round trip airfare (from SFO), accommodations, Holy Mass, guided tours, and breakfast and dinner daily.

$600 deposit is required with your registration and the final balance is due by May 10th. For more information, contact Alex Paras at 510.509.0585 or [email protected].


A letter from the Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, S.J.:

Dear faithful Catholics and friends of the Diocese of Oakland,

May the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to be with each one of you!

I want to update you on the progress we have made since May 8, 2023, when the Roman Catholic Bishop of Oakland (the Diocese) made the difficult but necessary decision to seek bankruptcy protection.
+ + + + +

Please click the button below to read Bishop Barber’s letter in its entirety.

Read Bishop Barber’s Letter

Be part of the rich history of Holy Spirit Fremont

We have stained-glass windows and panels available for sponsorship:
• Gifts of the Holy Spirit (2): $12,000 each
• Fruits of the Holy Spirit (4): $10,000 each
• Exterior panels with parish Mission Statement – St. John side (2): $12,000 each
• Panel with Music Staff – Choir area: $12,000
Lower panel – choir area: $5,000

For more information on how to support our parish through this ongoing beautification project, contact [email protected]

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