(Part 3 of 5 Series on Our Eucharistic Faith and Pro-Life Commitment)
“I am the Bread of Life. He who eats this bread will live forever. I will raise Him up on the last day.” (See Jn.6:47-58) The Eucharistic sacrifice is the very action of Christ by which He destroyed our death and restored our life.
Whenever we gather for this sacrifice we are celebrating the victory of life over death, and therefore over abortion. The pro-life movement is not simply working “for” victory; we are working “from” victory.
As the Holy Father said in Denver in 1993, “Have no fear. The outcome of the battle for life is already decided.” Our work is to apply the already established victory to every facet of our society. Celebrating the Eucharist is the source and summit of such work.
Peace and Blessings,
Fr. Ken