This is an introduction to a 5 part series that starts next week.
The focus of this Sunday’s Gospel passage on Eucharist provides us an opportunity to teach on any of the numerous connections between our Eucharistic Faith and pro-life commitment. I would like to dedicate a series of articles on these major points in the next few Sundays.
What can also be pointed out is that the Flesh of Christ as our food reminds us of Jesus telling his disciples that his food was to do the will of the Father (John 4:34). Now, two chapters later, he tells us that our food is his body and blood, and that this gives us life just like the Father gives him life.
It follows, therefore, that our participation in the Eucharist is geared toward our doing the will of Christ. “Try to understand what is the will of the Lord,” Paul therefore, urges in the Second Reading, giving us some concrete examples. Our defense of life is one major aspect of union with the will of God.
Peace and Blessings,
Fr. Ken