“The joy of His birth, is reflected in the joy at the birth of every child.” -Pope John Paul II

The beginning of the Season of Advent provides a powerful opportunity to highlight pro-life themes in our Sunday liturgy.

First, the theme of the Second Coming of the Lord – a theme particularly strong in the first part of Advent – calls us as individuals and as a society to repentance in preparation for the Lord’s coming.

This repentance includes living with active respect for every human life and building a society of justice and welcome for the most vulnerable.

Secondly, Advent is about preparation for the birth of the Lord. The joy of his birth, as John Paul II wrote in Evangelium Vitae, is reflected in the joy at the birth of every child.

Advent is a perfect time to pray for women who are carrying a child and may be tempted by fear or a lack of trust in God’s Providence.

Happy Advent!

Fr. Ken